Wow ! After years of sitting and reading other people’s blogs I FINALLY did it, I STARTED A BLOG OF MY OWN (and the crowd cheers) !! The basis of this Blog will be to share my thoughts on all the wonderful and delightful yummies I will be reading, and yes I did just refer to my books as “yummies” . I know, I have a problem…..I LOVE BOOKS, I collect them, I love the way they smell, the way they feel, and the way they look on my shelves. I drive by a local library on Sunday afternoons and browse all of the books that people, or even the library staff, leave on the back stoop and bring them home. My children are aware of my obsession with books and even alert me when some ignorant and cruel neighbor takes their beautiful books and discards them by the dumpster. Yes I do go and rescue the poor things from a cruel and disgusting fate, and NO I do not go IN the dumpster. I just get the ones that have been neatly put to the side. If a book makes me particularly happy I read it twice, maybe even three times. I usually do this when my supply is running low (it always is since I can read a book pretty much in a day and a half, two tops). I love all genres But mostly Romance,especially Historical Romances ( sigh). There’s just something about those naughty, titled, rogues that makes my heart beat a little faster and my toes curl a little farther. I am also a Big fan of Paranormal Romance and am currently OBSESSED with Gena Showalter’s LOTU ( Lords Of The Underworld ) series, and the Angels Of The Dark spinoff. I just finished Burning Dawn and will be submitting that review tomorrow. I haven’t done any writing in quite some time, so please excuse my rustiness. I hope to get better with practice.

Lots of Love
